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薄膜,传感器和成像研究所(TFSI)是隶属于西苏格兰大学的研究机构,由Des Gibson教授于2014年9月创立.TFSI专注于各种应用领域的薄膜,包括医疗设备,传感器,工程,光学 ,电子设备和光子学。 以及各种系列的薄膜技术,产品包括用于气体传感,超声波,超光谱成像应用的微型光谱仪和抗磨损的红外光学涂层。 有关TFSI功能的更多信息,请访问此处。
Welcome to the Institute of Thin Films, Sensors and Imaging
The Institute of Thin Films, Sensors and Imaging (ITFSI) is a research group at the University of the West of Scotland, specialising in thin films for optics, electronic devices and sensing applications. ITFSI has developed a range of thin film technologies, leading to for example, miniaturised spectrometers for gas sensing, ultrasonic and hyper-spectral imaging applications.
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