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Dr Ammara Ejaz

Ammara Ejaz gained her PhD in Electroanalytical Chemistry from Chonnam National University (CNU), South Korea (Sep 2014 – Feb 2019). Dr. Ejaz’s PhD dissertation was primarily focused on an insightful in-situ study about the growth kinetics of nanoparticles from the individual influence of pyrrolic, pyridinic, graphitic–N, and solvents. Besides, she thoroughly studied the structure-reactivity correlation of nanoparticles-based catalysts for the Fuel cell, Electrochemical, and Biosensors.

She was a Research Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering (Sep 2018 – Sep 2019), CNU, and later went on joining as a Research Assistant in the School of Engineering, the University of Glasgow to work on pre/post functionalization of electrospun fibers with nanoparticles by exploiting covalent, electrostatic, and π - π stacking interactions for food quality monitoring by embedding colorimetric sensors on the packaging. Link to LinkedIn profile.

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Dr Lewis Fleming

“Lewis obtained his PhD in optical thin films from the University of the West of Scotland in 2018. The work focussed on multilayer optical interference filters for NDIR optical gas sensing of CH4 and carbon CO2. Since then, Lewis has carried out PDRF positions within ITFSI working on; the development of high throughput microwave plasma assisted sputter deposition tools and their manufactured coating performance for durable mid-IR optics (Innovate UK funded), and he has also worked on an STFC funded gravitational wave research project for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) researching low optical & mechanical loss mixed oxide coating materials for the aLIGO interferometer test mass mirrors. Lewis has worked with Alphasense Ltd as a KTP associate and has been involved in UWS spin-out Albasense Ltd research activities working on miniature NIR optical spectrometers and NDIR methane sensors respectively.”. Link to LinkedIn profile.

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